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In this engaging session we compare and debate the change in power between Henry VIII and our King, against the backdrop of Windsor Castle, which for centuries has been an official royal residence and family home. Pupils discover the relationships of both sovereigns with Parliament and the Church and consider in which reign they would rather live. We also look at symbols of royalty passed down through the ages and at how the use of images, and more recently the internet and social media, have ensured that everyone can recognise the face of the royal house.

Using costume and armour to illustrate the session, pupils will contribute ideas and feel immersed in the experience. They will be encouraged to take new ideas and knowledge forward for the rest of their day and into the classroom for further exploration.

Available on Weekdays

Duration 40-50 minutes

"Lovely thank you.  Playful and informative and tailored to our time limitations."We loved the new learning centre. So much easier now! 

YR3 teacher

The Changing Power of Monarchs - A Remote Resource KS2, KS3
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In the Footsteps of Medieval Kings - An Onsite Workbook - KS3
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Teaser short description / meta description
Students compare and debate the change in power between Henry VIII and our Queen, against the backdrop of Windsor Castle, which for centuries has been an official royal residence and family home.
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